Wednesday, February 19, 2014

rainy night

Hello class,

For my project on writing instructions, I will be writing them on "how to tie your shoe laces." Learning how to tie your shoes is learned at a young age. So this is something I first learned a long time ago. I do not wear shoes with laces very often, but I am good at tying my sneakers. I figured this would be cool to write about to kind of touch back on a childhood experience.

Goodnight, enjoy the rain!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

snow day

Hello Class, hope everyone is enjoying their snow day! This week’s book reading was on the design of documents. I actually enjoy reading the chapters, they are easy to read and understand. I have just about three hours in between my first class and Technical Writing. That is my designated time to go over to the library and read the week’s assigned reading, and take notes. So before Tuesday’s class I did just that. I found the chapter to be really helpful in not only being able to design a technical document in the future, but to writing about the design. I had some things I needed to revise for my paper, length and more information of the design. This chapter helped me be able to do just that. How perfect! Well everyone drive safe, and I shall see you all tomorrow.

                                                                                   - Jessica